How I deploy my blog with Hugo and Obsidian
This is a bit more clunky than others I’ve seen online, but for me, it’s the easiest and quickest way I’ve found.
In my Obsidian vault, I have a blog
folder containing a folder for my own notes and a separate content
which is copied directly from Hugo. I then use rsync
to move it to my remote machine and then rsync
again to move it from the remote machine to a public facing web server.
More specifically, I use rsync -az --delete "/local/obsidian/blog/content/path" "/remote-dev/hugo/content/path"
to sync new posts to the dev machine with Hugo installed. On the dev machine, I have a script that runs cd /remote-dev/path/to/hugo && hugo
then rsync -az --delete "/remote-dev/path/to/hugo/content" "/var/www/html"
To do all this in one go, I can run a script on my local machine:
rsync -az --delete "/local/obsidian/blog/content/path" "remote-dev:~/hugo/content/path"
ssh remote-dev "cd ~/hugo && ./"